
Interview with Peter Stefanovic on First Edition

Senator Andrew Bragg
Liberal Senator for New South Wales
Publication Date,
August 14, 2024
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August 14, 2024

Subjects: NSW Liberal Party, Gazan Refugees, Senate Lending Inquiry


Peter Stefanovic

Let's bring in the Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg. Now, Andrew, good to see you this morning. Let's start with your thoughts on this.

Senator Bragg

Morning, Pete. Well, this is a very disappointing outcome for many people who want to vote Liberal at council elections and bitterly disappointing for the many Councillors and prospective Councillors across New South Wales. So this is a serious matter. I understand there'll now be an investigation by the Division, and I have confidence that the President will do everything he can to have a quick investigation which can yield some recommendations as to what happened here.

Peter Stefanovic

Should the State Director, Richard Shields, resign?

Senator Bragg

Let's see what the investigation comes back with. My sense is that this doesn't need to be a fast [sic] process. It shouldn't be too hard to see what exactly has happened here.

Peter Stefanovic

Are there federal implications here regarding issues within the party's logistical operations all ahead of the next federal election?

Senator Bragg

Look, the division historically has run a very good operation. There have not been paperwork issues in the past. I'm confident that the division can get back on track very quickly. That's why I think a quick investigation into what exactly has transpired is important.

Peter Stefanovic

Okay. On to other matters. Do you support Peter Dutton's full stop on all Gazans coming to Australia for now?

Senator Bragg

I think there's been some blurring of the lines here. We run a non-discriminatory migration program, Pete, and that is the system that everyone agrees with. At the moment, that is not a normal war zone in Gaza. It is run by a terrorist organisation. And so what Peter is saying is we've got to be extremely careful when we consider what might happen with people who have been in that particular war zone, controlled by a terrorist organisation.

Peter Stefanovic

So when you say we've got to be very careful, do you support that claim that the Gazans have to stop coming to Australia for now. He didn't say indefinitely, he said for now. So do you support him on that point?

Senator Bragg

The point he's made here is in reference to 3,000 visas being issued in 24 hours in a territory which is controlled by Hamas, which is not a nation-state. It is a terrorist organisation. So, I think many people in the community are very worried about the pace of these visas being issued, in this way. And so that's why Pete is saying, we've got to be very careful here.

Peter Stefanovic

Yeah, but do you support that?

Senator Bragg

Yeah, I do. I think it's important to be very careful that we reflect upon this fact that it's not a normal war zone. I mean, Hamas is running Gaza, so it's not like a foreign country running a piece of territory.

Peter Stefanovic

Are you worried about losing any votes, particularly in Western Sydney, which would tend to vote Labor anyway?

Senator Bragg

You've got to make your best judgment on what's going to be in the long term interests of the country. I believe in a non-discriminatory migration program. Of course, we want to see a strong humanitarian resettlement program from all across the world. But right now, this is a very acute conflict which has been overseen by a terrorist organisation. I think that is an almost unique circumstance.

Peter Stefanovic

Okay, Andrew, I did want to talk to you about housing. It's what we got you on for in the first place. But you want to water down banking regulations to lower the barriers for first-home buyer seeking loans? If you could make it easier, how would you do it? What barriers would you overturn?

Senator Bragg

I feel that the Australian Dream is slipping away from younger Australians. Young Australians know that, and it's very hard to get a first house if you can't get a mortgage. So Labor never talk about how hard it is for younger people and individuals to get a house. They always talk about what's important to big super funds. And so we're going to run an inquiry which will look at the adequacy of existing lending regulations and whether that could be improved. Ultimately, we want to tilt the scales in favour of first-home buyers.

Peter Stefanovic

So how would you change it? How would you make it easier? And would this make banks any more or less vulnerable?

Senator Bragg

At the moment, the banks have a very low level of delinquencies. I think that is actually a bad thing. You want to see banks being able to take some risks on first-home buyers because that's how a lot of people get started. We will look at the buffer that APRA has in place for banks, which has made it very hard for banks to lend to first-home buyers. We'll look at the role of HECS debts, and where HECS debts are retarding the ability of first-home buyers to get housing finance. It'll be a very practical inquiry, which will look at generating new policy options, unlike Labor, which seems wedded to its same failed housing policies.

Peter Stefanovic

Okay, that's the Liberal senator, Andrew Bragg. Thank you.

Senator Bragg

Thanks Pete.


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